(VIDEO) How Breathing Changed My Life: 3 Ways to Reduce Stress


howbreathingchangedOften you read a title like this and think “right, that works. If I just do these things everything will be better (rolling eyes).” But for real, these are 3 ways you can literally begin to reduce the stress in your life.

Unless you’re some kind of superhuman that doesn’t experience stress, this will be useful for you. Learning how to control your breath is the single most effective way you can take control over your body.

Let me say that again — learning how to control your breath is the single most effective way you can take control over yourself.

Control over your breath regulates not only your physical body (you know, all the systems that make it work), but also your emotions (and for some of us, those are abundant).

So I’ll get right to it.

The new video I just posted on YouTube (which you can watch directly below) offers some very important and EASY techniques you can use to practice control over your breath. Note I said “practice”. You must practice – nothing in life (not that’s worth it at least) comes easily.

If you practice breathing properly it will:

  1. Regulate and balance the systems in your body
  2. Reduce your blood pressure and heart rate
  3. Reduce overall anxiety (including anxiety in the moment)
  4. Improve overall mood

The video is 5 and a half minutes. If that for any reason seems too long to watch, it’s not yet time for you to watch. Hope you take the time to watch, though. As a regular sufferer of anxiety, these techniques have greatly improved my life.  🙂


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